国际化 (Internationalization) 是设计和制造容易适应不同区域要求的产品的一种方式。它要求从产品中抽离所有的与语言,国家/地区和文化相关的元素。换言之,应用程序的功能和代码设计考虑在不同地区运行的需要,其代码简化了不同本地版本的生产。开发这样的程序的过程,就称为国际化。
Internationalization 常常缩写为 i18n,意即在 I 和 n 之间有 18 个字母。 本地化中文百科
Internationalization is a way of designing and producing products that can be easily adapted to different locales. This requires extracting all language, country/region and culturally dependent elements from a product. In other words, the process of developing an application whose feature design and code design do not make assumptions based on a single locale, and whose source code simplifies the creation of different local editions of a program, is called internationalization.